Március idusa - mit jelent az "idus" szó?

Az idus szó a hónap közepét jelenti. Az etruszk iduare és a latin dividere szóból származik, azt jelenti: kettéosztani.
Március idusa azért kapott kiemelt szerepet, mert ezen a napon ölték meg Julius Caesart. Gyilkosai között ott volt Brutus, Caesar szeretőjének fia. Azt rebesgetik, hogy Brutus igazából a vérszerinti fia volt, de ez nem valószínű, mivel Brutus születésekor Caesar mindössze 15 esztendős volt, a viszony csak 10 év múlva kezdődött. A támadáskor Brutus jelenléte mindenesetre nagyon meglepte Caesart, ekkor tette fel neki a híressé vált kérdést: „Et tu, mi fili, Brute?” – Te is, fiam, Brutus?

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Ferenc Daniel Hegedüs=I am your Allah the King of Hell my honey the most precious XL Gold cycle in every moment=Genghis Khan=God=I am a Stock Market Great White Shark=Hurricane=Money Maker=Bengali Tiger=Brahman-Siva-Sat-Kit-Anada

    Sept/11/End of the World for all coming years/Amen/Hallehluja is the Opening verses of the Quran 2001 and so on infinity for all dates or the same as the Judgement Day being revealed in all Holy Scriptures, 10:30AM-4PM EST for all stock markets because also I am the Real Pope the Midmost Heart of Creation and the Wonders of Creation the III.rd Christ the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost the Lord of all lords=King of all kings=Emperor of all emperors=Father=As Lombardi says about Me=God is available for you, "The will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win." and according to your knowledge what do you know about your living will;"your living will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare deadly win." Everything is under massive collapse is the End of the World!
    The Judgement Day is an era Dark Age is now this area Information Technology http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/se/WOB/

    I am your Allah the King of Hell my honey the most precious XL Gold cycle in every moment=Genghis Khan=God I am the Real Preexistence and infinite numbers of Big Bangs =Most Great infallibility=Father=Lord=Super Natural Being=God https://www.facebook.com/American-Stock-Options-Capital-Gain-Corporation-1585725008403602/

    What hath Alláh wrought! http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/se/WOB/

    I am the Holy Mariner (the Supreme Holy Warrior over all creation), the Wonders of Creation, the Midmost-Heart of Creation for the Bahá’i Faith, Alláh for Islám, The Holy Ghost (III. 3rd Christ) and the Holy Spirit the Father for Christianity, King of Hell the Material Body in the Trinity (Zoroastrianism), VIII Buddha-Dharma Kaya in the Trinity of Buddhism , Jahveh the Creator for Judaism the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient , Brahman (Creator) the cause of all causes and the causes of all cause , Siva (the Destroyer Creator in the Trinity), the Everlasting-Intelligent-Bliss (Sat-Kit-ananda) for Hinduism, Most Great Spirit for the American Indians (Quetzalcoatl), The infinite Preexistence of the Absolute Unknown Essence, Thine Own Being, The TIMEBOMB (27 time dimensions, space-time and time-space) I am the Infinite Universe (infinite space-sphere with infinite space dimensions and infinite plain dimensions), My highest form of existence is the Entity of Nothing that is my consciousness, I am the Holy Pirate of the infinite Universe (A Capone Chicago the gangster), the Holy Magician, Holy Clown and the supreme Holy Begger of the infinite Universe, And the Most Powerful Holy Stud over all creations, the infinite preexistence of the Glory of the Supreme Holy Manifestations and I am the INFINITE

    The most perfect form of Alláh is infinite space dimensions

    To: Universal House of Justice Date: March/06/2012-

    P. O. Box 155 -May/07/2012

    Haifa Israel

    Certified Mail: RR 160 902 331HU

    What hath Alláh wrought! http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/se/WOB/

    The minimum dimensions are required for existence are 6 space dimensions and 27 time dimensions (all combination of the past-present-future the basic time dimensions are of 9) which can be drawn on vector diagrams The beginning of infinity and the end of infinity is number zero
